If you are accustomed to the old style and insist on it
Despite the fact that there is a huge supply of tubular and panel radiators with modern shapes, there remains substantial demand for column radiators. This might be due to the fact that many people are accustomed to conventional radiators (as there are still a lot of homes in the UK where old style radiators are installed) and they prefer to buy similar radiators when it becomes necessary to replace the old ones.
Miss column radiator
If you insist on the style of your old radiator, you can easily buy column radiators which look very much like traditional radiators. They are available in a wide variety of sizes hence you can find the right one for any part your home without warmth and space being compromised.
Alaska column radiator
The Alaska, the Essy and the Miss models are made in steel and can be used with a central heating system. These column radiators guarantee that the room is always at a comfortable temperature as they can be ordered in 2-6 column versions and can provide a huge selection of outputs up to about 5000 Watts.
Essy coloured radiators
The old style cast irom radiators are mostly ideal for long and low empty wall sections. They also have great output ranging from 170 Watts to 2600 Watts.
Avignon cast iron radiator