senia radiators

Bedroom radiators - Radiators for bedroom | Bedroom radiators with a modern look are gaining popularity as people become more open to use innovative design elements in their bedrooms. Considering that bedrooms are generally fairly small, flat panel radiators or tubular radiators with flat tubes are very adaptable due to their thinness and the wide range of available sizes. Also, a mirror radiator can be suitable to enlarge a limited space. If you have a more spacious bedroom, you can choose from a huge selection of versatile designer radiators at a moderate price, and you will surely find an appropriate heating device for any bedroom interior. You should only buy a contemporary radiator for the bedroom if there is enough space for its unusual or artistic form to make a real impression.


The heart of a bedroom is the bed, but the atmosphere of the bedroom is also very important. It should be warm… but not only the interior. Another addition is the bedroom heating.
Which bedroom radiator works best for you? We recommend you several wall radiators which will provide both ideal temperature and splendour to your bedroom. A well-chosen bedroom radiator is perfect for heating, gives a comfortable feeling to you and fits the style of your bedroom.
Although tastes are different, there are some features which are advised to consider when choosing radiators for bedrooms. Slim and tall radiators or thin horizontal radiators placed under the window are the most practical ones.
According to some surveys, blue, moss green, pale yellow and silver are the best for sleeping. You might not accept this suggestion, but it is worth choosing a radiator in a calming colour. The choice is difficult, because you can order your coloured bedroom radiator in two hundred colours.