senia radiators

Slimline radiators can serve as perfect solutions

Written by Tuesday, 24 September 2013 22:07

elite 12

Look at our thin flat panel radiators and tubular radiators with flat tubes

In rooms where space is at a premium standard tubular or column radiators can take up more space than is necessary. For these smaller living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and halls, slim radiators can be optimal heating solutions (see the Incognito Paint and the Delta radiators in the pictures below).

incognito paintable radiator.1.jpg

slimline radiator delta

One of the slim radiator types is the flat panel radiator. Most of them are vertical radiator but there are also many, which can be installed horizontally. For a limited space, a tubular radiator with completely flat tubes could be the answer as well. They can be bought both as a vertical and horizontal model (see the elegant Elite and Rex radiators in the picture below).

elite 12

rex flat radiator

These kinds of design radiators can fit perfectly for example behind the door, in the limited space beside the bed or dinner table and in the narrower hallways (see the Real mirror radiator and the Forum room radiator in the picture below).

flat panel radiators real mirror forum

Thanks to the extensive selection, you can find easily slim radiators which suit every kind of application, from a restoration project to a new build and you can choose from simple, yet sophisticated ones to luxury models. It only depends on your requirements, such as taste and budget (see the Delta stainless steel and the Dream glas radiators in the picture below).

delta stainless steel radiator

slimline radiator dream


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