senia radiators

Coloured radiators create harmony

Written by Tuesday, 04 September 2012 11:46

Marimba radiator

Buy a coloured radiator instead of a traditional white one

It is not yet widely known that nowadays designer radiators can be bought in countless colours, exactly in 208 colours of the RAL colour chart. So you can choose suitable coloured radiators instead of traditional white ones, especially because they are not more expensive than traditional room radiators.Buy a coloured radiator instead of a traditional white one

essy coloured radiator

Think about how to create your own personalized living space. For this among other things you have to decide what colour is a suitable for the space consider the room’s sizes, the light effects and how you would like to feel in the room. When you start to choose the right furniture, you should not forget radiators. A suitable coloured radiator can create the perfect harmony with the colour scheme and atmosphere of your home. Let's look at some examples:

max coloured radiator

The contemporary art photograph on canvas and the ruby red room radiator give the white wall an ultra-modern look. With its rectangular steel tubes, this modern tubular radiator, the Max (see in the picture above) captures your eye with its attractive appearance and unexpected colour.

sequenza designer radiator

A popular combination for bathrooms is white with shades of beige. The Sequenza flat panel radiator (see in the picture above) in grey-beige harmonizes very well with this exceptionally elegant bathroom interior.

piazza designer radiator

This picture describes that the green and black colours of the Piazza designer radiator (see in the picture above) work beautifully with rustic interior design solutions. Thanks to its shape and yellow green colour this coloured radiator is a magic focal point of the room.

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