senia radiators

If we want to buy a good bedroom radiator

Written by Saturday, 05 January 2013 22:22

column radiator essy 10

Let the bedroom radiator be a good combination of appearance and functionality

The space available is a decisive factor in finding the appropriate bedroom radiator. The Essy column radiator (see in the picture above), the Glass Dancer stone radiator and the Flex mirror radiator (see in the pictures below) are ideal choices for both saving space and creating a stylish interior.

art radiator glass dancer

designer radiator flex

For those who are seeking a radiator to enlarge their bedroom, a designer radiator with polished stainless steel or tempered glass front panel can be the ideal solution (see the Rex ST and the Dream ST flat panel radiators in the picture below).

flat radiators rex and dream

Of course, we can also select a wide range of versatile room design radiators at a moderate price which have a decorative effect and fit in any bedroom interior, such as the Essy tubular radiator (see in the picture below)

essy design radiator

The Forum horizontal radiator with its simple appearance and the Paul and Cascade coloured radiators (see in the pictures below) can also create an enjoyable and relaxing space in our home.

coloured radiators paul forum

cascade horizontal radiator.5

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