senia radiators

Advantages of electric radiators

Written by Sunday, 25 November 2012 19:53


High-end technologies providing energy efficiency

We cannot deny that electric radiators and electric towel rails have a lot of advantages. The most important of these is that they are very useful in places where gas supply is not present. It is also undisputed that electric radiators require minimal maintenance (see the Max and the Essy electric radiators in the pictures below).

 Max Electric radiator

electric radiators essy.1

Additionally, they allow us more freedom as they can be placed anywhere in a room or a bathroom because we are not constrained by installation considerations (see the Blues, theLove Bath and the Etna electric towel rails in the pictures below).

blues towel radiator


etna heated towel rail

Most central heating radiators, both for rooms and bathrooms, come in electronic versions as well. The majority of these radiators are designed to be fitted with a thermostatic electric heating element which has a controller.


However, nowadays there a more modern and energy efficient models, such as stylish stone radiators using cutting-edge technological solutions. These radiators are energy efficient as their heating body is completely integrated in the stone which diffuses a natural lasting warmth. They are equipped with double thermo-sensing security to prevent overheating (see the Wave Arena and the Sculptural Bath stone radiators in the pictures below).

stone radiator wave arena

towel radiator sculptural

We can also choose electric designer radiators which, due to the built-in electric radiant panel, are also highly energy efficient. These models are delivered with infrared or wireless timer remote control (see the Labyrinth, the Sequenza and the Romeo modern contemporary radiators in the pictures below).


heated towel rails romeo

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