senia radiators

Luxury radiators are like art objects

Written by Thursday, 13 September 2012 13:37

labyrinth luxury radiators

A glance at luxury bathroom radiators

The previous post dealt with luxury room radiators and now luxury bathroom radiators follow. Designers create towel radiators / heated towel rails these days which open up a new perspective with their amazing ingenuity and exceptionally elegance. These outstandingly high quality and decorative designer radiators are able to add a touch of luxury to any modern bathroom.

rex luxury towel radiator

Luxury bathroom radiators are available in incredible variety of shapes. Among them, there can be found without doubt countless well eye-caching heating devices such as the Labyrinth towel radiator with its captivating and incomparable design.

labyrinth luxury bathroom radiator

However you can also select lots of luxury radiators with simplest appearance. These timeless and refined pieces complement all types of bathroom interior. They give bathrooms a feeling of luxury and perfect harmony. Furthermore there are several new and creative concepts of towel radiators as well. Among them, the Stretch contemporary radiator is a highly practical and conspicuous one.

stretch artistic radiator.jpg

While prices of luxury radiators are quite high, maybe it is true, that we come out better with them instead of renewing of whole bathroom to create a new atmosphere in our bathroom.

labyrinth luxury radiators

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